
Lowell Girls' School
Headteacher Lowell Girls'

Mrs Namukwaya Aisha

  • Welcome to Lowell Girls' School
  • Choosing a school in which your daughter will spend the next phase of her life is an exciting, and possibly daunting experience. It may be the first major decision that you will have to make about the direction your daughter’s future will take. Where your daughter will study from and under whose leadership will have a major impact of her character formation and future career.

    If you are looking for a school in a beautiful part of the country where your daughter will be academically enhanced, where her mind will be broadened, where the tranquil environment will keep her happy and balanced, her character enhanced and her ability to interact with people from all walks of life fully developed, I invite you to Lowell Girls' School.

    I hope you find the information on this website helpful in giving you some insight into our school. Our staff is committed to making Lowell a very special place where the Girls' become a part of a strong and supportive community, dedicated to growing their talents both in and outside of the classroom. One of our strongest areas of focus is the high-quality relationship between the teachers, students and parents; that we believe is at the heart of a good education.

    I hope that you will come and visit us so that you can see and feel for yourself what Lowell Girls' School has to offer your daughter.


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